The Fourth Annual Megan Whitfield Bursary Inspiring a New Generation of Activists

Labor leaders are strong, passionate, knowledgeable, and compassionate individuals who are determined to make life better for working people. Sister Megan Whitfield, a long-time postal worker and activist, possessed all the qualities and so many more. Sister Whitfield was a mentor and friend to many, and she dedicated her life to improving the lives of working people.

Four years ago, CUPW and the labour movement at large, lost one of its shining stars when Sister Whitfield died. We vowed that her memory and her work would not be forgotten.

In her honour, and to help carry out her legacy, CUPW launched the Megan Whitfield Bursary in 2021. Since then, we’ve awarded bursaries to CUPW members in good standing, or their dependents, from an equity seeking group, who are studying either Human Rights or Labour Studies at a publicly funded, publicly run post-secondary institution in Canada. This year, two bursaries worth $2,500 each, will be provided.

The bursary in her honour helps to ease the financial burden of aspiring activists and future labour leaders.

Sister Whitfield knew that some workers face additional barriers due to systemic racism. As a Black trade union woman, she understood that unless we tackle racism and sexism, workers will never be truly equal. Megan argued for a powerful, inclusive, and antiracist trade union movement. Sister Whitfield
was an inspiration to so many and her work against racism, sexism and intolerance must go on.

Sister Whitfield would be proud to see so many workers in this country and around the world stepping into their power and using their collective strength to demand fair and equitable treatment from their employers. The energy we are seeing on workfloors, in picket lines, and rallies is the same type of energy
Megan brought to the movement. We are all stronger because of Megan we will all continue to bring the same energy and enthusiasm to all our struggles in her honour.

For more information about the bursary and how to apply, please see:

In Solidarity!

Jan Simpson
National President